prime Crystal (MIFARE® and LEGIC)
The readers of the prime Crystal line impress with their attractive design and high level of user comfort. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, they also meet the highest security requirements. The readers received the iF product design award 2008 for their elegant glass-fronted housing. Freely definable colour effects make the housing frame glow. The standard operating display is white. The different colours can be used to show different events: For example, green for release and red for "access denied".
prime Crystal with pKT Master Function
This function allows the device to read individual access rights from the card and write new information to the card at the same time (e.g. changed access rights). The pKT Master function can be used in conjunction with the IDT 32 intelligent control unit.
Features of prime Crystal MIFARE® LEGIC:
- Designed for indoor use
- Modern design, polished glass front
- Housing lights up in three colours: white, green, red Alternative colours on request
- Flexible, easy to use
- Simple installation technique
- Low service requirement
pKT Master Function
- For reading and writing individual access authorisations per person
- Administration of access rights on the host system
- Use of the RFID badge as a virtual information carrier
- Response time approx. 1 sec.
- Special authorised badges possible (e.g. fire brigade)